Dr. Surakshith Battina


Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the opening of the vagina, causing discomfort, difficulty with sexual intercourse, and challenges in inserting tampons or undergoing gynecological examinations.


Extreme tightness when trying to have sex could indicate a condition called ‘Vaginismus’. This is a treatable condition and occurs 1 in 500 women.

Vaginismus is defined as a condition when severe pain is experienced before or during penile penetration or sometimes even when slipping in a tampon!

If you are experiencing such a condition, remember , Vaginismus is curable and you need to seek treatment immediately .

It is assumed that 6- 12 % of women population suffer from vaginismus globally.


  • Difficulty with Vaginal Penetration: This can be experienced when attempting to insert tampons, undergo gynecological exams, or engage in sexual intercourse.
  • Pain During Sex: This can manifest as a burning or stinging sensation during sexual intercourse due to the involuntary tightening of pelvic muscles.
  • Involuntary Muscle Spasms: These occur as an automatic reflex that tightens the vaginal muscles when an attempt at vaginal penetration is made.

Treatment Approach

  • Pelvic floor physical therapy: Exercises and techniques to help relax and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Gradual desensitization: Gradually introducing vaginal penetration using techniques like dilation therapy or insertion of graduated-sized dilators.
  • Counseling or therapy: Addressing any underlying psychological or emotional factors contributing to vaginismus, such as anxiety or past trauma.
  • Education and communication: Learning about the condition, understanding sexual anatomy, and improving communication with sexual partners.